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Attune NxT Flow Cytometer

Attune NxT Flow Cytometer system makes multiparametric flow cytometry available to both new and experienced researchers. Experience the difference acoustic assisted hydrodynamic focusing technology brings to your workflow. Designed for faster experimental run times, this compact flow cytometer offers proven, rapid and accurate analysis for a broad range of sample types.

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Detailed introduction

A flow cytometer designed with your research in mind

       Conserve sample and quickly run experiments with sample flow rates ranging from 12.5–1,000 μL/min

       Intuitive software interface and easy-to-follow workflow that is quick to learn, teach and use

       Save time and minimize cell handling with faster protocols

       Expand your capabilities with up to 6 channels of detection off the violet laser


Investigating flow cytometry instrument capabilities to maximize your research

The 40-page Flow Cytometer Evaluation Guide will enable a better understanding of the components and capabilities of various flow cytometers for objective comparison of instruments from several manufacturers.


Freedom of choice

       Option for up to 6 channels off your violet laser with the Attune NxT Violet Laser Upgrade Kit

       Configurable laser and filters provide more choices when designing multicolor panels

       Broaden your capabilities with field upgradeability of up to 4 lasers and 14 colors

       Expand multiparameter capabilities with detection of dim to very bright signals

       See compatible reagents by instrument configuration or detection channel


An evolutionary flow cytometer

       Acquire sufficient events even from very dilute samples with acoustic-assisted hydrodynamic focusing

       Investigate difficult sample types without fear of clogging

       Protect precious samples and boost success in rare-cell experiments (like this researcher discovered)


Automation for any lab

Improve your workflow for fully automated sample acquisition from 96-well and 384-well microtiter plates. There are no physical changes to the system needed in order to run plate based experiments—everything is controlled in the software.

       Attune Autosampler is compact and compatible with many different types of plates

       No carousel needed; run deep well plates up to 2 mL

       Rapid processing of up to 384 samples